Experience SIngapore – November 2012

This denotes our first family outing abroad, we got on budget airline-Tiger Airway on 15 Nov which is the girl’s first time on board a plane.She is exciting no doubt.


First Day-Gardens By the Bay, this is Singapore newest icon for tourist attraction. Consists of 2 domed conservatories, we did not get in as we choose to stroll the Skywalk ,50 metres into the sky. It offered a panoramic view of the gardens, MBS, Singapore flyer etc. particularly gorgeous during the night time.





Day 2- Universal Studio, Although the 4D Movie is a bit of disappointment as it was the same like the one played in Movie World in gold coast Australia back in 2010, the queue is taking too long time for a rides( due to no additional payment for premium ticket), The kids enjoyed the whole proceeding. Lots to see, we were particular arouse to the “Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure”, a thrilling river raft ride through dinosaur world, we get soaked eventually.




Day 3- Free & Relax at Kiseki Japanese Buffet Restaurant near Somerset MRT station. Beng Hoe suggested the place with other’s friends and their  families in Singapore, a long chat over the lunch , kids have their own things to keep busy with (mostly ipad, PSP and iphone @@), we continue our conversation at the fast food chain and end with a drink in a hawker center that night.


ImageDay 4- Let’s Go To The Zoo. How could we missed the world’s most famous rain forest zoo. The elephant ride, the various species of monkey, komodo-dragon, white tiger, the sea lion show will be part of our memories.




Day 5- We head to Brick World- Legoland in JB. First we took the causeway link CW6 from BoonLay MRT station that passed by 2nd link, after the immigration at Singapore and Malaysia, continue the journey with CW3 to Gelang Patah, alight the bus and took the LG1 bus with the Legoland facelift to Nusajaya. Meeting up with all family members, Thanks god,It was a cloudy day;the kids enjoyed very much on almost all the rides Return to SIngapore the same route, took us 1.5hours one way including passing through the immigration. .



Met up a granny at Jurong Point while taking roti plaster there,the old lady likes the boy indeed.

Day 6- Good Bye Singapore.








转角瞥见爱@Love Lane

在寻常不过的巷子,十多年来经常路过。那些斑驳的墙角,陈旧的楼房象卡在记忆中黄昏的景色。翻过去就翻成一页历史。人遗过后,它有了些微的变化,首先,被翻新的楼房多了小咖啡坊,几家售卖手工画作的生活馆。巷口立着立体艺术品。总收獲旅人的青睐。第一次走进鲁班行看那南来的广东台山木工匠人当年聚集于此,膜拜鲁班祖师和联谊的行会。此刻有的是老人家们在打着卫生麻将,从深纵的厅院里传来淅沥沥彷如隔世。捡一家Cafe坐下点一杯Long Black.摊开书本就隔开了星期天早晨璀璨耀眼的阳光。看一对恋人相视牵手拐过街角,想起几米的画册,在爱情巷瞥见了爱。

在爱情巷对角的Muntri Street 有一家Cafe 55,其西班牙小菜还蠻可口。