Adele ‘s live at the Royal Albert hall CD.

Got a CD of Adele that came with a DVD,the vocal is so powerful,i get to sing along with the boy. He likes both songs; “Someone like you”and “Rolling  in the  deep ” . It is an enjoyable evening staying at home while the heavy rainfall causes the slow traffic at Penang bridge .


Adele ‘s live at the Royal Albert hall CD.》有4条评论

  1. 我完全不认识她至到孩子介绍,那天的Grammy看到她,我和孩子们说:“你们的妈妈看起来好像和她差别不远咧。。。。。。“当然,我要说的不是歌喉!

    • 她的唱腔蛮特别,还是得佩服,这样的歌手,没有誇张的午群,服饰。整个演唱会或站或坐或赤脚用歌声站领每个观众。哈,你的小孩很update 噢!

  2. I get to know Adele through Beatrice and Clarice. They played Someone Like You with the piano and sing along. I agree her voice is amazing and she sing it just how she wants it. She deserves for what she received in Grammy.
