
早上带儿子去Adventist Hospital把之前他为那家医院的心脏病童基金跟各位叔叔伯伯募捐得到的善款送交.钱箱打开使我们也不知道总共多少,只把钱倒入胶袋内写个纸条,收银员说院方负责人稍后会联络我们.他心情挺愉快的.

下午跟秀梅到瓜拉古楼去寻找他小时记忆中的味蕾.在育才小学后的木屋区,位于宋平坛内的辣椒粿条米粉.其其特别之处乃是小墨鱼和鱼片炒辣椒. 对面的小杂货店居然还有我几十年不见的Tikam, 小时后家人不让玩的有赌博性质的玩意.我还以为失传了竟然还被发扬光大,中奖礼品还包括Angry Bird @@



Steve Jobs 1955-2011

Am reading the Bloomberg Business week’s special edition that dedicated to pay tribute to the contemporary icon, Steve Jobs. It reveal the dark side of personal characteristic of one of the most successful people in the world. Example cheated his counterpart Steve Wozniak who helped him with the project during his Atari’s time. Nolan Bushnell who was the Atari’s founder asked Jobs to figure out a design for a game break- out, Jobs turnaround and make deal with Woz who did the coding and agreed to split half of the $600 completion fee. A year later Woz found out that Job actually received $1000 as his completion fee. In 1978 he denied paternity to a girl Lisa who was the daughter of his one time girlfriend, Chrisann Brennan. Even after a DNA test confirmed he was the father. 😦



Run For Peace 2011

2nd Oct happen to be the United Nations International Day of Non Violence as well as Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday, in conjunction with the day; the USM, AIESEC & Soka Gakkai Malaysia and etc organized an event of “Run For Peace” (RFP) that aims to promote awareness of peace and non-violence at USM Campus. It was like ages since I last ran in USM campus. Back in the late 80s and early 90s, we used to have volleyball training camp conducted during the university semester break preparing for Intervarsity games. We would run around the quiet school campus as part of the warm up exercise before we proceed to the drills.

The event drew some 4000 participants, the 4.5KM run around USM campus was an incredible experience, besides that the organizer has put up stalls and cultural performances to enrich the event.

Here are some ideas to promote the culture of peace derived from Taiping Peace Initiative, an organization that promotes peace in three dimensions- inner peace, peace with other people and peace with the environment. (email everlastingpeace@time.net.my Tel: 605-8053245)

  • Respect All Life
  • Reject Violence
  • Share With Others
  • Listen To Understand
  • Preserve The Planet
  • Rediscover Solidarity