


Maxis One Club launching the Iphone 4 With White Casing

Was there on 26 May together with Jing E at the Deluxcious SPA Cuisine where the event took place. Besides the White IPhone 4, Maxis introduced some other new gadgets as well; such as Dell Streak 5,Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc, Motorola Tablet PC Xoom & etc. Jing E was playing the Angry Bird with SE Xperia that hooked up with a LCD TV screen most of the time, he then won a goodies bag  when compete against the Handsome DJ. The drinks and Snack is free flow and there were 3 units of Iphone 4 given away as lucky draw prizes during that day (though we didn’t win any) . Kudos to the Maxis One Club’s Marketing folks who came out with such a cool idea, conducting the event at a SPA center, that’s pretty unique!