Starwalk 2009

Staying for Penang over twenty years, this was the 1st time i took part in such event. the  Starwalk 2009 on 13th Dec  was really like a fun carnival. I took part in the non-competition group together with colleague Phei Chyi and her boyfriend any maybe a few thousands of other participants. Took me 1hour 09 minutes to complete the walk. When i reached the finish line at PISA, i realized that there were many stores were being put up providing free samples such as cereal for breakfast,games, goodies was given away by DIGI etc. there was also stage performance with singing,dancing and magic show. Lots of fabulous prizes for lucky draw….Maybe  next year i will be lucky enough to win one.

Thought i should take part in the competitive group next year 🙂

Not forgetting pretty girl as well….
