我们都是Copy Cat









该是两年多前,那时出差搭华航转桃园机场再转机到高雄而后打的到台南,入住的这间亿Tayih Landis Hotel 听说是台南其中一所较好的饭店,位于台南市中西区西门路一段660号,方便厂商接送。下班后拿到了一张饭店总经理私房旅游地图。这点子挺好的,有那种宾至如归的感觉。跟这地图徒步走了一圈,尝到了福记肉圆的美味肉圆,莉莉水果店,也吃了度小月的担仔面。我就绕这城市走,走过了孔庙,也走过了赤坎楼,印象中途经了台南大学的校门。后来George 还带了我们到安平古堡去。





岁月讴歌-崔西蚱蜢 Tracy Chapman

岁月讴歌-崔西蚱蜢 TRACY CHAPMAN                                        KC & KC

我们这一代六字辈的中年,许多音乐电影资讯都是从当年学报,椰子屋里获得,Tracy Chapman 就是其中一位。1988年,这位民歌摇滚 (Folk Rock)的黑人女歌手以同名专辑批判现实和社会问题的歌曲,伴随着木吉他像一股清泉注入听众的心坎。1989年第三十一届格莱美(Grammy Award)颁奖礼上,她赢得了3个奖项,即年度最佳新人奖,年度最佳流行女歌手演绎奖以及年度最佳当代民歌专辑奖;让她俨然成为黑人和弱势族群的代言人。

第一张专辑里收录了“快车”(Fast Car),歌者娓娓唱出了贫困家庭轮回般的际遇。嗜酒的父亲,离家的母亲;在便利店上班的女孩需要一部车子,快速的载着她逃离现实的生活。可是失业的男友最终还是靠她的收入把大部分的时间耗在外头饮酒作乐而忽略了家庭,她必须让男友作出抉择;You gotta make a decision, you leave tonight or live and die this way.

 Tracy Chapman 1988

 New BeginningTC Where You Live

 Cross RoadTC Bright FutureTC Telling Stories

在第二张专辑“十字路口”(Crossroad), 这位来自美国俄亥俄洲克利夫兰 (Ohio, Cleveland)工人家庭的女歌手以同样的制作人(David Kershenbaum)延续上一个专辑的曲风,但注入更多敲打乐拨奏乐曲元素。个人较喜欢这首以口风琴带出的“替代城市”(Sub City),Here  in subcity life is hard, we can’t receive any government relief, I like to give Mr. President my honest regards, for disregarding me.贫与富的隔阂在歌词中展露无遗。崔西蚱蜢 的歌词总让人有一幕幕电影场景的画面。

1995年发行的专辑“新的开始”(New Beginning)里头一首描述一段恋情结束的歌曲-“给我一个理由”(Give Me One Reason)让她的事业攀升到高峰并为她带来了第四座格莱美奖项,即年度最佳摇滚歌曲奖。专辑里的另一首歌曲“天堂在这里”(Heaven’s Here On Earth),不难发觉歌者对人性并没有彻底失望,If we have faith in humankind, and respect for what is earthly, and an unfaltering belief in peace and love and understanding. This could be heaven on earth.

在“故事的真相”(Telling Stories)这张专辑里,前半部侧重个人情感的书写,后半部则低哼吟哦抒发内心对现实的不满;如这首Nothing Yet-Saddled with bonds, Broken and in disrepair, Forty acres to a forty-ounce, Don’t  seem fair.可以发现歌词简短得多,像夜间磷光的闪现。

如果你刚经历一场伤心的事件,开着车子在蜿蜒的公路仰或高速大道行驶,扭开收音机,传来这首“再见”(Goodbye)- For you, it’s all in a day, one day in a life, It’s all in the one word. The one word is goodbye. 那场景和歌词相契合将把你推向孤寂的浪尖而后有一种豁朗开阔的领悟;For Me It’s all in a day, It’s a part in life, When it’s all in a words, To fate & circumstance resigned Goodbye (Let It Rain).

崔西最新的专辑里 (Our Bright Future)收录了十一首新歌,主打的这一首 Sing For You 扣人心玄。人世有太多的复杂纷争,是的我们有时只需要简单的歌词让我们哼唱:Sweet and high, at the break of dawn, a simple tune that you can hum along to.  这些年来,一件衬衫,一条牛仔裤和一把木吉他一路走来并不哗众取宠,像一个老朋友般以歌声伴你成长或者老去。I remember, there was a time, when I used to sing for you.


Moving from kc-myplace.blogspot.com

These are old articles that i moved from my previous blog==> kcmyplace.blogspot.com ,since i decided at this time only focus on updating the events at wordpress, i thought of compile these articles and have it reside only at 1 place. Tribute to the fading memories……

Penang Chinese New Year Celebration, Heritage & Cultural exhibition新春庙会.

This is year of “Moo”(哞,牛年), i brought Jing E & Rui E to the Penang Chinese New Year Celebration along the heritage trail on 1st Feb. I want them to appreciate the rich heritage culture we have and the passion of the people who preserving it.
We also went to Chew Jetty at Weld Quay on the 9th day of Chinese New Year Calender to watch the “Pai Ti Kong” (拜天公)ceremony.Lots and lots of tourists and local folks.

Rice Noodle of Teluk Intan,Perak安顺粿条

The shop is only open after 8:00pm, you need to queue up to take your order and you have one only one option- “To Go”. It is believed to be selling the Best rice noodle in Teluk Intan.We were there around 11:00pm and there were like twenty people infront of us. Good Food usually don’t come easy.

The Titanic

It was around December 2008,I spend a weekend with Micheal Duffy’s family at down town Milwaukee,we went to the public museum which was having the The Artifact Exhibition of the Titanic.

The exhibit displayed artifacts from the Titanic recovered from the wreck site where the legendary ship went down on April 15, 1912.visitors received a “White Star Line ticket” at the beginning of the show stamped with the name of an actual Titanic passenger,in my case i hold a boardinng pass of Harvey Collyer, an imigrant from England that hope to start a new life at Idaho, At the tour’s end, ticketholders will learn if that passenger made it to the lifeboats or went down with the ship. Mr Collyer didn’t make it though.

A great museum that showcase a variety of Old & New of Milwaukee as well as the wildlife around the world. Wonderful experience.

Snow in Milwaukee

11112008478They got me a Chrysler’s Durango 4WD so that i could use it to commute between plant and Hotel as well as surrounding restaurants. Temperature was between 30-40 degree F in Mid of November.There was one day, it started snowing during my way back to the hotel. Snow fell quietly in the night of a foreign land…..

Another Day In Seoul

07112008476I was on my way again to Seoul in the beginning of November, the autumn is fading where leaves started to change color, like our path of the life long journey.I brought along a book called “The Last Lecture” written by a Professor of Carnegie Mellon University-Randy Pausch, which i completed reading during my stays in Seoul. It is Such a touching story content the messages that intend to convey to his kids by a dying father.

A Day in Seoul City

韩国It was a cold & sunny day in april of 2008 in the Seoul City. I was strolling alone in the street trying to find food. After several attempts, I eventually gave up and turn into a western food restaurant and had spaghetti for lunch. Met up with a group of Korean’s kid at the hotel event hall on my way out for lunch, it seems like they are in the midst of rehersal for some sort of performance, they are cute and photogenic.